Out of blue comes green (2012)

“Don’t matter/My eyes have seen/For better/Out of blue comes green”

This line from the first record I ever bought remained in my heart for a long time.

After I grew up, as I faced events and environments I couldn’t handle on my own, I began to take photographs on my favorite forests and ponds in the place where I was born. In the hope that this landscape would head, even if only slightly, in a better direction, from blue to green.

The location, Goshikinuma, or the Five-Colored Ponds, in the collective name for a group of lakes and ponds in Urabandai, Fukushima prefecture.

In 1888, a phreatic explosion on the Mount Bandai triggered a debris avalanche.

Rivers were dammed, and hundreds of ponds were formed. Due to the properties of the volcanic minerals, vegetation and algae present in the water. Each of the ponds appears a different color, such as blue, green or red. The eruption was the first major natural disaster in japan since the contry’s modernization in the Meiji period. Five villages and eleven smaller settlements were flooded or buried, resulting in 477deaths.To this day, this history lies buried at the bottom of the same ponds that produce to these beautiful colors.


「物事が良い方向へ向かって行けば 突然緑があらわれる」         


大人になって 自分ではどうしようもない出来事や環境と向き合う中で


青から緑へ その風景に少しでもいい方向に向かってほしいと願いを込めて



1888年 磐梯山の水蒸気爆発によって岩屑なだれが起こり          



青 緑 赤など沼ごとに様々な色にみえる                               


5村11集落が埋水没 477人もの死者を出した                    








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